Astrology Sagittarius

Sagittarius Only with the development of the era of Aquarius will begin a comprehensive immigration of people from Earth in other star systems, the planets around other stars, galaxies, and parallel worlds. Some will seek to learn new things (to get education) in more advanced extraterrestrial civilizations and parallel worlds. Others will go to the more economically developed other worlds to improve their financial situation, that is, become interplanetary migrant workers. Still others will gain less developed in the military for other stellar systems (the planet) and parallel universes. Will also be those who will trade with other worlds, etc. The Bible says that man was created in image and likeness of God. But God – it is the Spirit, the Creator of the Universe. God can manifest in any form and in any form.

In the sacred books of aliens and members of the parallel worlds certainly also said that they were created in the image and likeness of God. One God for all worlds. Communicate with God directly, without intermediaries. Each alien civilization and the parallel universe their ideas about God. Discover the (new) extraterrestrial truth and (new) extraterrestrial worlds. Do not divide science, religion and esoteric.

They are one. As mentioned earlier, the Age of Aquarius will be a new religion that would not be diverse rituals and will not be mediators (priests) between God (the Absolute) and man. People in meditation (prayer) will be a trance to communicate directly with God (the Creator of the Universe) and receive from it instruction and assistance without the institution intermediaries. People are 'dead water' will communicate directly with Satan. In the Age of Aquarius science acknowledges the existence of God and his right to rule the universe. For science, the era of Aquarius newly opened laws (scientific truths) are the laws of God, not nature, as now, most scientists believed.