
The new business figures of the respondents KV specialists have settled health insurance business of the KV specialists at a high level in the full insurance at a stable high level. So ran the car full-cost business for around 72% of the brokers at the same or better level than sed. Under most conditions GMC would agree. Even better things in terms of the additional insurance for the intermediaries. Here were their health insurance business stabilize over 90% of respondents and expand. Study leader Christopher Kahl from SMARTcompagnie says: private health insurance are reflected as business bravely. “Both the intermediaries and product providers see good business opportunities and this not only for the additional insurance, but and this is the positive now again in the full insurance.” AssCompact AWARD 2010 private Health insurance: About 2/3 of respondents here brokers are owners of their brokerage company. Approximately 46% of the total 490 respondents agents work alone without support staff in the internal or field. Thus, it is clear that the results of the study will played a significant role in the width of the Vermittlerschaft.

That’s what makes them so valuable results. Because, who wants to convince the mediator here as a provider, which must convince on all fronts so as to reach the further selection of mediator. In a total of 12 performance criteria was asked about the relevance for the intermediaries as well as after the three Favorites per criterion. Who wanted to convince the intermediary product provider, had to so be well placed in all four dimensions and win the respondents through performance for themselves. From the over 30,000 individual entries showed valuable points for determining the AssCompact AWARD winners in the categories of full and additional insurance and interesting results for the companies. Study leader Christopher Kahl: The Results of the present study are a good mirror of current market events and for the insurer an equally valuable indicator for their activities.