Annual Income

If you believe the Western media, the annual income of the recognized leaders in the field of business domain in the millions of U.S. dollars. Of course, such sums operate only the best of the best, but many domainers over the hill yet always manage to make the parking lot, thousands, tens of thousands of conventional units. In the area of Runet (domestic parking) at times modest statistics – 1000 click advertising can bring domain master for about 10-15 dollars. This can be explained primarily by the fact that the parking business began to grow in our relatively recent (late 2007).

The total market turnover in 2008 amounted to only 70 thousand dollars. Of this amount, the net earnings of all domainers accounted for approximately 35 000 (the second half – fee parking stations, etc.). And even if the receipt of these statistics and a half years have passed, all well, even if we assume that the market has grown at least twice, picture is not so rosy. Most of our domainers serious profits in a parking business does not shine. Do not shine so far, because this market is just beginning its formation we have. Over time, as convincing some experts, domain parking can become one of the giants of Internet commerce in the vast Runet. The main thing is to have time to get a solid time number of promising domain and can be a good idea to make their parking lot. Advantages and disadvantages of parking. In addition to the financial component of the parking business, you can also highlight a number of its other advantages.