Angeli Rose

The lives in letters in such a way can inform, to transform, as to deform to conform, at last, the game is varied. Without losing the dimension of the necessity to earn, for conquest, readers, are necessary to recognize the necessity to continue investing in the releitura for the conquered readers. why not releitura of ‘ ‘ clssicos’ ‘? Our proposal of redimensionar presence of the sea, while poetical image in the romantic poetry of Gonalves Days, in the Song of the Exile, responsible for innumerable versions in Portuguese language, is the inciativa to recognize that the dimensions symbolic and mythical of the sea, already pointed for. the Carlos Secchin in the same text of reference of which we break for this exercise of reading and on which we write down some openings of agreement of the poem, it so only wanted and lovingly to enter in contact with what it would be distant of us for a temporalizado past and that in another way, reveals reafirmador of the atemporal character of what he is poetical in the language and literary compositions ofthe statute of the Song of the exile, as the one that we know in our production. The poiesis make its mark in the reader and the poet, and why not to say in the critic? one mark that evidences presence with its differentiated ways of creation. Of the Creation. in this instant, somebody writes down the flame: the boy looks at the sea behind/, the wall.

(he surprises the poet, philosopher and critic, Antonio Ccero, to the end of its presentation in the event of reference of September of 2010? UFRJ). Rio De Janeiro, October of 2010 bibliographical References: CCERO, Antonio. The Agoridade.Conferncia on the Modernismo in CCBB/RJ, 2004. BENJAMIN, narrative Walter.O, In, Collected workses, volI. So Paulo: Brasiliense, 1987. GUMBRECHT, Hans.Modernizao of the directions. So Paulo: Publishing company 34 Letters, 1998.