Aircraft Repair Plant Quot

Beginning of the Gatchina industry can be considered 80 years of the nineteenth century, when the retired generals Lavrov was built foundry where bells were made and the details of artillery shells. Today it is of ‘Gatchina experienced Plant paper-making equipment ‘, which produces equipment for the pulp and paper industry. While in Gatchina, there were about 32 small workshops and forges, in which about 130 people. An important role in economic development of the Gatchina played a railway linking the city of Gatchina in 1872 with St. Petersburg. Particularly rapidly began to develop industry of the city after the Great Patriotic War. During these years, Gatchina developed as a scientific and industrial satellite city of Leningrad.

Experienced production of such well-known defense companies such as NGOs ‘Leninist’, NGOs ‘Azimut’ cri ‘Prometheus’, Electromechanical Plant ‘Petrel’ received Gatchina residence. The city’s economy is represented by such industries as machine building and metal processing, energy, food processing, construction, instrument, light industry, trade, transport and communication. By the number of enterprises and organizations registered in csreo (1860 units) Gatchina is the 6 th place among the municipalities of the Leningrad Region. In the total volume of industrial production in a circle large and medium-sized enterprises of the Leningrad Region Gatchina share is 1,5% (14 th place among the 29 municipalities of the region). In the production of consumer goods share Gatchina is 3,8% (5 th among municipal formations of the Leningrad region).

A considerable amount of industrial production (31% of the total industrial output) in Gatchina produced by small enterprises. According to this index Gatchina is one of the leading places in Leningrad region. A characteristic feature of the city’s industry is the high proportion of engineering and metalworking, and food industries. Leading role in industry, cities are such enterprises as jsc ‘Gatchina Bakery’ (10,3% of total industrial production), jsc ‘Gatchina Avangard plant, jsc Plant Petrel’, Inc. ‘Bodegas Valdepablo-Neva, jsc Gatchina Milk Factory’ (8%), Federal State Unitary Enterprise ‘ Gatchina Electrical Works ‘(7%), JSC’ Gatchina drinks plant ‘(6%) and jsc “Zavod Cruise’ (5%).