
It is hard to imagine a modern building without the use of nonmetallic materials. This is unreal! The product used our ancestors, it is claimed today. Most likely it will retain its relevance and future, since it is impossible to replace almost anything. Basically, all the minerals are naturally occurring chemical compounds or basic substances. The appearance of nonmetallic materials is directly linked with one or other physical and chemical processes in the crust or in the atmosphere. Most of the known minerals are solid substances, each of them characterized by strictly defined chemical composition and number of physical properties. The latter of these is the density, crystal structure, hardness, color, tint, the nature of the fracture, etc.

Recently, construction operations have found wide application special mixes, which provide a solution directly in the workplace. Ready-mixed concrete is one of the varieties of such products. Ingredients in the composition of the semifinished product is cement, fillers, various additives and polymer dispersions. He has more improved qualities such as weight, durability, longevity and durability. The uniqueness of this production lies in the fact that obtaining concrete does not require any special equipment. Significantly reduced transport costs and loss of material during transportation.

The finished mixture is packed into sacks, of which the right is taken when necessary amount of the mixture. Then it was diluted with water and used for other purposes. It is very convenient. It so happens that in the preparation of the solution was shifted filler and as a result of the concrete crumbles and crumble. In this case, completely excluded, since all the proportions were calculated and are strictly complied with. If in the preparation of construction estimates you have made the cost of acquisition of Portland, you made the right choice. This material is a product of fine grinding of clinker obtained by firing up the sintering of natural or synthetic raw mixtures of clay and calcium carbonate (mostly limestone). To regulate setting time to the base material for grinding gypsum is added in order to improve quality and reduce cost of production lead mineral supplements. Strength under compression and tension (which depends largely on subtleties of his ground) is characterized by his trademark. To prevent shrinkage cracks hardening of this material should take place in wet conditions. In the interaction of Portland cement with water generates heat. Due high strength and relatively low curing time, it is the most widely used in the manufacture of concrete and solutions for aboveground, underground and underwater structures. Today comes a lot of varieties This product, each of which is used as needed.