Africa History

When thinking about Africa is as an automatic message the co-relation between slavery, misery and exploration on the part of the Europeans. Still we are inserted in one eurocntrica appearance that persists in encircling the pertaining to school banks, creating a certain imaginary occidental person on Africa. This positioning is ratified in the words of Anderson Ribeiro Olivae m its article: history of Africa in the pertaining to school banks. Representations and imprecises in didactic literature. (p.430): If the objective is here to analyze the form as the Africans and the History of Africa had been represented in the didactic literature of History, becomes indispensable to make an incursion for some of the works that had tried to clarify as the imaginary occidental person on Africa and the Africans were gestado.

Boardings of the authors on Africa and its representations in analyzed books are of little contribution to understand its context in such a way politician, economic, social and cultural. In all these analyzed workmanships the authors place that the black was vendido as merchandise in Brazil of century XIX, for reinforcement of the workmanship hand, and as such indispensable age. Therefore it is important to remember that the black did not come of a disorganized continent, without culture, tradition and past. But for the colonizador European of Africa it was different, for this the African black was an inferior being and that it only served it stops to serve, an object, a thing, ignoring its history and its personality. According to Mattoso (2003, P. 24) Africa had true organized empires, with unquestioned tribes and authorities there, also met tribal confederations and cities put with its rich markets in the way of the gold, the spices and ivory. Its markets were rich in varieties of things as salt and until slaves, in all Africa if it found, fishing a people, shepherd, trader and agriculturist warlike what it makes in them to see that the European tried to erase the history of Africa as if he did not exist until its arrival, and unhappyly this eurocntrica vision this being reproduced until today in our Brazilian didactic books.