Accidents Do Not Happen, They Are Caused.

Germany has a jungle of regulations, also in the hotel industry and gastronomy management should comply with provisions of the occupational safety and Health Act of the hotels / restaurants or company, for violations it is the liability. First, you must differentiate regarding the size: establishments with more than 10 employees are required to carry a safety-technical support. With less than 10 employees, it is to consider whether or not the same standards the operation a) protects against avoidable claims and b) strengthen business philosophy. External solution, expensive solution: Support this care can be performed by the professional association by an engineer for safety of the Berufsgenossenschaft (BGN). Charles Schwab spoke with conviction. It benefits a great security, but has however the disadvantage has a higher contribution to the result. Internal, cheaper solution: specialist for occupational safety in the hotel if a House technician is employed in a hotel, it can differ from the Professional Association (BGN) to the specialist for occupational safety training will be. This is the economic solution: Professional Association’s contribution is low and the constantly available has a specialist for occupational safety.

It is important that activities are documented in practical (1) and (2) planning ways: 1) The Professional Association calculated proof obligations based on the number of employees and the risk parameters how many hours must spend the specialist for occupational safety for assessing workplace safety. It is to document (accountability of the Berufsgenossenschaft retention of the data sheets of cleaning and disinfecting agents notice of the accident prevention regulations operating instructions to employees with increased risk (working with hazardous liquids or hot fat) plant inspections with documentation of recognized and common sources of danger proof of first aid forces (depending on the number of persons employed) inspection of working conditions (such as are) (Sink disposable towels available) check the first aid cabinets training of employees who work with devices such as espresso machines or slicers etc. training of employees, with hazardous materials work 2) Drawing up a plan for occupational safety assess working conditions: perform inspections, recognized sources of danger organize common occupational safety and health: by Berufsgenossenschaft obtain information, obligations define occupational safety in planning for renovations, renovations include, create contingency plans, preventive controls carry out occupational safety with the purchase of products and goods observe occupational health care make sure (inspection of premises by the occupational physician, putting down the defects, holding office hours in the company) staff regulations instruct: Plan, conduct, and document summary teachings: so the contact to the Professional Association, an accurate overview of the sources of danger, the capture is important by Preventive measures and planning of occupational safety: This ultimately saves money and the House or human character by adapting the operation! Publisher: HSI hotel suppliers index Ltd. Friedrich str. 5 21614 Buxtehude phone: 04161 9697000.