A Cat As A Pet

Cats as pets are becoming more popular the most popular pets of people today are the cats. Compared however to its largest competitor, the dog, they are still long, not a pet. Cats have their own head and a very strong will. Even though cats are happy in the company of people, they do not necessarily need these. You can fully independent self-sufficient, if it should happen. The attendance of the people bear them only because they know the exact advantages.

They need for example no longer strive for food, because they get the food of the people. Also, they have a warm place and very much time to sleep, dozing or cleaning in the winter. Cats see exactly their benefits if they live among the people. It is very difficult to train cats, because they have their own head and not hear like the dog on command. Most cats are solitary. Male and female animals come together only if they mate and split up again immediately.

Feed cats is exclusively of meat. It is vary from owner to owner, as they are feeding their cats. It is possible to feed them, or but also with itself along the meat with the usual trade can of cat food. Cat illnesses include: leukemia FiP cat Schnupfen Panleukopenia rabies tetanus Chlamydia Mikrosporie should your cat looking for signs of one of these diseases, you are looking for a vet on exactly as you would do with your dog dog diseases.