
I really like writing and commenting on what I read, and on this occasion I would like to comment on an article I read today. This article is published in the newspaper Peru 21 with date: 21 12 2009. It is an interview makes the Lord Gonzalo Pajares C. to Moiko Yaker. Moiko Yaker, is (from what I have been able to understand in the article), an artist of Jewish origin, but unfortunately the article is not detailed more biographical aspects of his person. It is very important to have this data in order to make constructive criticism about what manifested in the article. I will try to make a comment about what responds; with what I have on hand.

In one of the questions answers in the following way: why you went back to Lima? At 33 I went back to visit my parents and I liked the Peru. I had never lived in Lima, only came on vacation. Lima was fun, holiday city, the spa city. Until today I feel that I’m at a spa. Only with this spirit Lima can be a livable city. It seems I think parents of Moiko are people with a very wide solvency and of Jewish origin (also), which have been able to educate his son abroad.

I don’t know if his life abroad has been borne by their parents (Incidentally, wouldn’t be bad). But what is true, if so, the formation of basic values in the education of a person in these conditions, would be affected. In another question responds: when decides study art? In 1973, I joined, at the same time, the schools of fine arts of Paris and London. London did not like me, preferred Paris. But London seemed more interesting there was born the punk. I lived punk in Paris. I was married, and in 1977 decided to separate me and I left London.