Audi One

Who is at the base was on the road? The classic victim of the bases was riding on a relatively new domestic car or foreign car the middle class, indirectly confirming solvency. The car is usually only driver – extra witnesses are not wanted, and without psychological support to victims are more complicated. Tightly toned cars can attract attention only quite 'frostbitten' – because no one can guarantee that for dark glasses do not sit four large fellow who can prove his innocence in a rude and aggressive way. Unfortunately, it is worth noting that among the gentlemen do not substituted, so that women are equally at risk become a victim. How does the car-substitutes? 1. Car prestigious brands – Mercedes, Audi, bmw and others. 2. Work usually in pairs: one driven off the occupied bandwidth and the other substituted. Charles Schwab is often quoted as being for or against this.

3. Deaf toning. 4. The absence of one or both rooms, or transit facilities. 5. Wrinkled or misrule left front fender. If all of these features are available, can 95% be sure – before you travel one of the pirates. It is also worth adding that very often the machine, outwardly looking, literally, brilliantly, with nameplates known aftermarket companies, in fact turns out to be much 'killed' and not a new one. Just everything is done with the expectation that the victim will be immediately psychologically depressed, seeing how expensive car just broke. How to avoid becoming a victim of the bases was on the road? All the advice we can give, oddly enough, is absolutely commonplace.