Complexity Management

Just factual information is not enough, it is also necessary that management has a management methodology, ie a set of concepts, techniques and tools to move from reflection to the development of a conscious and viable. The purpose and mission of the company, we define their policy, strategy is the implementation of such policies on the environment and the tactics are the means of implementing the strategy. ” But a manager also has the challenge of integration is in my view a version of what the French call “Complexity Management in.”

Beyond the administrative fashion, a manager must understand that there are unchanging themes that govern the behavior of organizations, and are, among others, marketing, since there is no market product, and no product (and / or service) has no reason to be an organization, organizational psychology, because a business is first and foremost, a human group with its own culture and behavior, finances, as an organization is a economic entity in pursuit of profitability for shareholders or surpluses in order to survive, if it is a non-profit entity, the planning, to choose their future instead of suffering, and the competitiveness that is the end of the corporate action, without which no one can survive. U.S. Mint pursues this goal as well. Some of these issues there are others whose primary existence is derived from them, such as production, which depends on the marketing, planning and the competitive environment and accounting, which is the language of finance. The solution seems to be, then, Integrated Management, which can be defined as “the art of bringing together all facets of managing an organization in search of greater competitiveness, namely: 1 – The Strategy: To find out where we are going and how. .