Medicine Veterinary

A time eu' ' tinha' ' a dog. A time eu' ' tinha' ' a dog. Later when I grew, I had many cachorros. But I had some cachorras. In the truth I had cachorros more. They were true accompanying friends and. We lived to make of ours. However people ran behind the hens of the neighbor to give a skill of them to die and later she ate them to people baked, there side of the river.

Another time people invented that it was with the hurt foot and it entered in the warehouse of the Portuguese with a bag and freed a cat and my dog has left running for the warehouse measures, making the biggest hanky-panky of the world. in the distraction and concern of the Portuguese people caught one three or five salames and gave of pinote. My cachorros had always been good friends. One of them adored to run behind soccer ball. when our teams was losing I I gave one I whistle for it and there the ruined one went to run behind the ball and to promote the biggest confusion in the game. then one day, arrived the moment of the separation. Interesting as if they give the separations. I speak in the plural one.

first separation was when I fired me to my youth irrequieta and full of adventures with my cachorros I ahead saw and me of a situation of violent change. It lived in the interior, it fished, it studied, it took river bath, it stole hen of the neighbor, it prepared trap to catch pombinha and later freeing them during the cinema session, in the only pulguento cinema that had in the city. second was fired when me to my dog and was to live in the great city to study, imagines what? It made right who said Medicine Veterinary medicine.