Wolfgang Oelsner

What to do when the school is hell… For 20 per cent of pupils in Germany, the daily walk to school is the purest agony. You suffer from school and note fear. And the number of children and young people who suffer from these panic attacks are more every year. These blockages and fears do not allow only the notes in the basement slip, they are also the cause of bad physical symptoms such as migraines, nausea, or feelings of weakness. But above all, the soul suffers from.

However, there is to break out of ways out of this vicious circle of failure fear and uncertainty. A report on the online magazine tips-IM experten.de explains the causes of the fear of the school and shows some successful ways out of this agony. Germany’s education system suffers from. This knowledge builds not only on the Pisa study, which showed how badly Germany cuts off when compared to other European countries in terms of education and quality learning. Rather, there are German students, who every day are under pressure. Each fifth by them suffers from massive school and note fears. “We must speak of a beginning epidemic”, warns the head of child and adolescent psychiatry of the University of Cologne, Wolfgang Oelsner in a report on the online magazine.

The reasons for this are manifold. Unrecognized reading and writing difficulties can be just as responsible as bullying in the classroom or Unterforderung. But especially the immensely increased demands, the strong pressure also from the parents leads to fears of failure and blockages in the children and adolescents. Since even a learning marathon can no longer help. Homework, tests, and queries to prevent to the purest agony, a blackout of kind of that students can submit the fact knowledge. The worst thing here: Often the student suffers from these traumatic situations, more the fear becomes. A vicious circle, the children without help can no longer handle. And often it takes years until the school fear of children is ever discovered. Yet there are help. Understanding and love of parents are very important. A bad grade is no end of the world. Rather, the parents in talks should try to understand the problems of the child. If the help of parents bring no improvement, the expert is required. Child psychologists have various forms of therapy that can help. The treatment time is relatively long. Newer, alternative treatment methods promise faster success. The method the American of Brandon bays, journey for kids”called submit usually up to three sessions, to solve the problem. Here is the student with the therapist on a fantasy journey into his body, repressed memories are processed and resources such as courage, humor and confidence awoken. Another possibility is the form of treatment of EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) as well as homeopathic remedies. This traumatic events are frozen by the bilateral stimulation of the eyes”and processed. The corresponding report on shows the most common causes, relevant symptoms and different ways to tackle this nightmarish condition. So learning again is pleasure… Editor: Patricia Kurz photo: Fotolia