Positive Thinking

Perhaps the most powerful influence on his attitude and personality is what you said to yourself, and create. It is not what happens to you but how you react internally to that event, what determines their thoughts and feelings, his mental powers. But it is how you react on what happens, foulbrood determines their thoughts and feelings, his power mental, and, ultimately, their actions. Charles Schwab is often quoted as being for or against this. By controlling your internal dialogue, or auto-dialogo, you can start to exercise control over all the other dimensions of his life. The thought of the day his inner monologue the words used to describe what is happening; to discuss how you feel about external events determines the quality and hue of his emotional life. When you look at things in a positive and constructive manner and looks for the good in every situation and every person, you develop a natural tendency to stay positive and optimistic.

Given that the quality of your life is determined by how you feel, moment to moment. One of its goals more important should be the use of all the psychological techniques available to keep thinking about what you want and to keep his mind away from what you don’t want, or what fears. Arnold Toynbee, historian, developed what he called the challenge and response of the history theory. To study the rise and fall of the 20 most important civilizations of the world, Toynbee came to the conclusion that every civilization began as a small group of people as a people, or as a tribe in the case of the Empire Mongol, that only three people had survived the destruction of his small community. Toynbee came to the conclusion that each of these small groups fought for example external challenges, such as hostile tribes. In order to survive, these small groups had to reorganize in positive and constructive ways to deal with these challenges. To comply with each of these challenges successfully, the village or tribe was growing.

To even greater challenges are they faced as a result. This group of people was still facing every challenge on the basis of their resources and they grabbed them, they continued to grow until it finally became a nation-State, and then a civilization that covered a wide geographical area. Toynbee observed at 21 greatest civilizations in history, ending with the American civilization, and concluded that these civilizations began to decline and falling into pieces when their citizens and leaders lost the will or the capacity to cope with the inevitable external challenges caused by its size and power. Toynbee theory about the civilizations can be applied in our life. You are continually facing challenges and difficulties, with problems and disappointments, setbacks and temporary losses. They are an inevitable and inescapable part of the human being. e your knowledge. But, as you use your resources to respond effectively to each challenge, you grows and becomes a stronger and better person. In fact, without the setbacks, could not have learned what I needed to know, and have developed the qualities of their character as they are today. Much of their capacity to succeed comes from the way in which has faced life. One of the characteristics of men and women superior is that they recognize the inevitability of the disappointments and temporary defeats, and accept them as a normal and natural part of life. They do everything possible to avoid problems, but when problems come, top people learn from them, rises above them, and go ahead in the direction of their dreams.