
At the moment the cosmetic one is nourished to elaborate many of its products of marine product beauty such as thermal plankton (rich in lipids, proteins, trace elements and vitamins), seaweed, salts or mud, and the product that occupies to us: the caviar. The eggs of sturgeon, besides constituting to manjar exquisite, are developing like an essential component, by their excellent properties, for the elaboration of treatments of beauty and face or corporal creams. Already from the antiquity, Iranian, main world-wide producers of caviar, bathed, in water lukewarm mixed with aromatic oils and decorated with sturgeon eggs. In Russia, another one of the more important exporting countries, some decades back, it is used, like the aloe side, in the healing of the skin after being put under an operation. The discovery of the caviar for the cosmetic one must to its amazing capacity mainly to regenerate the skin, the effect is almost immediate, acting as if outside lifting. eggs of sturgeon they own a highest content in nutrients, vitamins, minerals and proteins, which turns to him into an ideal ingredient for the cosmetic elaboration destined to fight the signs of the age. In his chemical composition, the cells of the caviar are looked much like the one of the cells of the young epidermises, with high doses of essential fatty acids, mineral amino acids, salts, vitamin B, iron and zinc. In spite of its cost, the discovery of these qualities for the skin has assured an implantation the caviar in the cosmetic industry..