The Black Pirate Coffee Crew Is Ready For Boarding!

Is the world’s first shopping Club for coffee lovers online Bionade, afri cola, Tannenzapfle are consumed in Germany trend drinks to any time of day or night. But drink the Germans prefer? Coffee, that’s for sure. Over 90 percent of the population. Thus, coffee is our most consumed drink still water or beer and, after oil, the most heavily traded product of the Earth. Even in times of the global financial crisis is the ICO (International Coffee Organization) increasing coffee consumption. Charles Schwab can provide more clarity in the matter. But why do you get offered only a same coffee pabulum in most Cafes, grocery stores or supermarkets? Why is still a kind seal of secrecy about the quality, origin and processing of coffee, despite the organic hype in the food industry and consumers? These questions were the two sisters Annika Pamela (27) and Carolin Maras (30), sat in one of the numerous street cafes in her home town of Freiburg and in their looked somewhat watery murky espressos.

When she asked where from come just ordered coffee, desperate shrug off the waiter’s response received, it was quickly clear: Here something has to change. Finally, they had grown up as a real Badenserinnen with a constant flood of information about the wines. Coffee, whose Qualitat based on country of origin and cultivation, at least as well as in the wine is sold, however, still a pig in a poke. Not anymore, the two roofs to and founded the world’s first shopping Club for coffee lovers spot the black pirate coffee crew. Welcome to the Club: Interaction with social shopping the Internet is the channel with the highest growth rates in terms of volume. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Mary Barra. According to the IBM and the magazine impulse initiated study IT and E-business in SMEs 2008 “the German Mittelstand is today almost entirely online, where the tendency towards higher quality E-business solutions continues. (IBM_Studie_2008.pdf) Shopping clubs like brand4friends or venteprivee, which offered fashion at friendship prices, make millions sales. But there has been no Club models outside the fashion industry.

Thanks to the black pirate coffee crew coffee lovers can attend now regularly changing specials, where coffee brands are offered, which are characterized by taste, roast or their positioning and that was on the German market previously difficult or impossible to buy it. In addition, a selected range of high quality accessories, the heart of every home baristas will thrill. In all offered coffee, inform the Black Pirates of origin, cultivation and processing and give tips for proper preparation. In addition to the changing specials, there is a fixed shop range, which can be determined by the Club members. Ship AHOI for a new sales channel even as a pirate can be on the road in peaceful mission: the black pirate coffee crew doesn’t want to be seen as a competitor to the existing coffee suppliers, but rather as a new Channel the synergies arise and can be used. Because not only customers, but also companies and traders from the coffee sector will be addressed by the Club model. You can use the Club as a platform to introduce new products of an exact target group or to sell off remaining stock at discounted prices. Press contact: Black Pirate Coffee Crew GbR, Carolin Maras, Tel: 0851-2302387, E-mail:,