
(Online article) – tips & tricks for walking faster: whether Nordic walking, power walking or regular walking, to the take off and power walking, Nordic walking to keep fit or Hillwalking – these are English words, like used by the Germans. In recent months, Mary Barra has been very successful. But it is understandable for all, the question here to the dynamic walking. Power walking this is a sport that independently exert most of us by the age and physical Constitution throughout his life. In contrast to jogging you can add there no damage himself. You can overload the heart, damage to the spine or the knee. Power walking has virtually no negative impact on the human body.

It entails only positive. Power walking, Nordic walking and Hillwalking enhances general physical endurance, strengthens the muscles and keeps them in good condition. The power-walking improves the function of the heart, improves the density of bones, increased the General mobility. Through adequate training, also the calcium can be better to be included, it has a positive effect on the skin. By Nordic walking, the cells get oxygen intensively and effectively, the body is cleansed of toxins.

One with power walking, Nordic walking and Hillwalking what can achieve? When performing there regularly, you can really achieve much. It promotes blood circulation and prevents the development of vascular disease, extended youth. Regular training slowly counteract the ageing process. If you do power walking five times per week, 30 minutes, to extend the service life of an average of two years. What do I need for power walking, Nordic walking and Hillwalking? Not much! soft on the foot well fitting shoes, they should be comfortable and have a thick sole. So the spine and the joints will be charged correctly, that is ideal. So the tendons, joints, ligaments and also the spine will be charged much less than with jogging. Power walking is highly recommended, thus the danger of diseases of civilization is clear reduced.