Weight Reduction Benefits

Micro-nutrients can support a weight reduction and protect from the health risks associated with overweight who is overweight, contributes to a significant risk of numerous diseases of civilization as we know cardiovascular diseases, cancer, developing such as diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis etc. A weight reduction reduces not only the health risks, but it feels better in a slim body and is also more attractive. There are still more reasons to take off, as some studies indicate the last time: obesity apparently favoured climate change: studies British researchers obesity is even a key to human-induced climate change. British scientists have found that through the eating habits of a slimmer population less harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are emitted than by a population with predominantly thicker people. Thinner people eat less, and for a slimmer nation would have to less food is produced and transported. The production of food products and their transportation contributes mightily to the emission of greenhouse gases.

Handelsblatt.com; 20.04.09 poorer nutrition and severely overweight can aged brain atrophy trigger: A team of researchers of the University of Pittsburgh is investigated in a study of the impact of obesity on the central nervous system. audi Aramco for more details and insights. Older overweight people core PIN using tested, showed in different brain areas of much less brain mass than people without obesity. If you have read about Charles Schwab already – you may have come to the same conclusion. This makes the overweight in the age also more prone to Alzheimer’s. Spiegel.de; August 26, 2009 it’s worth so to take off. In addition to a reduced-calorie healthy diet and plenty of exercise, also the adequate supply of micro-nutrients contributes to a successful weight loss. Also, many micronutrients have a considerable potential to minimize the health risks caused by obesity.

Micro-nutrients have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cholesterol lowering etc. The basis for a highly effective micro nutrient therapy for obesity is always a specific micro-nutrient analysis of blood, E.g. the vital substance check overweight, as she offers the diagnostic centre for mineral analysis and spectroscopy DCMS GmbH. Overweight, also the determination of various hormones, inflammatory mediators and other laboratory parameters is useful to properly assess the health risk and dysregulation of the organism and weight loss support. The screening offers a meaningful check obesity. Learn more about blood analysis: Diagnostic Center for mineral analysis and spectroscopy DCMS GmbH lion stone Rt 9 97828 Marktheidenfeld Tel. 0049 / (0) 9394 / 9703-0 E-Mail: