Great Britain

In the following German stores resulted from the query (as of May 29, 2013) after repair price iPhone 5 Galaxy S3 “on the first three pages of Google. iPhone 5 Samsung Galaxy S3 259 express 249 219 199 245 3 g 199 3 g 249 189 229 179 229 189 229 249 249 189 Apple store 241,10 231,64 average price average price 200,67 which is the average price for the repair of the iPhone 5 displays with 231,64 euros to 13 percent more expensive than in the Samsung Galaxy S3. But even if the cost of repairs differed only slightly, a repair at the iPhone 5 pays more. With a current minimum of 584,99 euros, the latest Apple Smartphone is significantly more expensive than the Samsung Galaxy S3, which is to acquire for 333 euros. The average repair cost of the S3 amounted to more than 60 percent of the new unit and could be no longer so profitable. The strict product control by Apple especially with regard to the parts of the new iPhone 5, caused among other things, that many of the alternative Reparaturdienstleister fix no more iPhones. You can often offer no more favourable prices than Apple.

Now, Apple offers apparently, according to a report by CNET, currently also display repair in the own shop but only for those who completed a costly $99 AppleCare Protection Plan. Thus the comparatively cheap 114 euros costs. Europe comparison of repair costs In the European comparison of the repair costs for the two tested models turns out Italy as the cheapest country. In Spain (iPhone 5) and France (Galaxy S3) on the other hand, the cost of repairs are the most expensive. In Germany, the Samsung Galaxy S3 is in demand and therefore comparatively expensive to repair. Bottom line the cost of repair for a broken iPhone 5 or Galaxy S3 display are in the investigated European Countries is relatively high. The significant price differences in the repair costs of the investigated smartphone models are noteworthy within Europe.

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