Nossa Caixa

The UIA also warned about the fall in sales: 20% to 80% depending on the sectors. It is expected that the exchange rate parity again to levels of AR$ 3.17 after overcome conflict. While worldwide USDollar Index has been appreciating since mid-March, 3.35%, in Argentina the dollar been depreciated by 2.5%. When the dollar internationally is depreciaba more than 40% since 2001, is appreciated here by 300%. ** The Bovespa index has risen by 5% since the improvement in debt issued by Standard & Poor s April 30 rating. The index closed yesterday with the highest daily rise since the investment grade: 3.7% and remained at 71.245 points. He recovered part of the 5% decline which took in the week.Its all-time high was reached on May 20 at 73.517 points, a rise of 8.3%. What happened in between? Much volatility.

The Bovespa has been one of the bags that most grew up in 2007. And still is operating at maximum levels.It has risen by 35% compared to June 2007, and more than 40% in 2007, in local currency.But as well as profitability goes up, so does volatility, going from an average of three months from 30.3% to 32% now. And the measurement taking a year was 30.8%. These values have grown, reflecting greater instability in the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange.Strong variations in the prices of commodities have brought great instability to the Brazilian stock exchange, said Julio Martins, director of the Brazilian firm Prosper Gestao of resources to the Folha of Sao Paulo.Esta volatility has been greatly accentuated in the financial papers, especially. An action that has had a very high volatility in May has been Nossa Caixa, (BVSP:BNCA3), 116%, by the news that could be sold to the Banco do Brazil (BVSP:BBAS3), which had a volatility of 53.2%.Same thing for Unibanco (BVSP:UBHD3; NYSE: UBB) with 51.5% and Itau (BVSP: ITAU3;) NYSE: ITU) with 44%.The same happens with the oil company Petrobras (BVSP:PETR3; NYSE:PBR), that with the barrel of oil exceeding US $130, wore a cumulative gain of 16%, but when the price of the barrel corrected, fell 3%.More sophisticated investors seeking volatility to operate options, can be found today without a doubt on the actions of the Bovespa.