Civil Procedure

At the same time to fulfill the requirements of Art. 215 hpa Ukrainian court must necessarily order to motivate its conclusion. Essential fact in understanding the art. 551 Civil Code of Ukraine can be considered the extent to which a debtor, such as early repayment of loan principal and interest, proved materials in case the financial situation of the debtor's plight, and other interests of the parties (and not just the debtor), which deserve attention. The court should bear in mind that the position of Part 3. 551 Civil Code of Ukraine about reduction of the size penalty may be applied only to the interest that accrues as fine as they are the means of civil liability, or according to part 2 of article. 625 Civil Code of Ukraine, given its compensatory nature, and interest payable under the provisions of Art.

Art. 1054, 1056-1 Civil Code of Ukraine in this order is not subject to reduction through the incompatibility of the size of the principal, since they are a fee for cash and are subject to payable by the debtor on the ground rules of monetary debt. Adequate notice of the debtor with respect to increasing the interest rate on the loan is the way certain parties in the contract. Bank must prove that he informed the debtor properly. To confirm the proof of this court, in our opinion, could use the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine concerning referral procedures agendas and messages (the so-called local in proof).