Sourcing Trade

Successful working group enters another round of the third round of the sourcing working group in Central and Eastern Europe”starts on June 23, 2009 in Wurzburg. Under the direction of the CfSM – management meeting Centrum fur supply since four years purchasing managers and business leaders of mainly medium-sized companies, to discuss their experiences in the procurement markets of Central and Eastern Europe. Regular meetings take place over a period of one year, which are used for discussion and solution if necessary, involving external experts of the problems of the participants. This is among the questions the legal framework through which investigated, what impact has the economic crisis on the countries, in which countries which groups of materials on attractive terms can be found, how interesting suppliers can be found, with what effort when the qualification is expected, whether imports after Germany in the framework of an overall consideration of costs is worth, how EU accession has changed or what intercultural realities are to be observed. The focus also is the search for synergies, to save costs in the exploration and use of procurement markets through the sharing of resources.

In addition the meeting used to illuminate previously agreed topics intensively in cooperation with external speakers. The experiences of the past working groups show that just the sectoral composition of the group represents the key to the success, as detached from open competition situations can be discussed and the findings and approach other industries on the company can be transferred. It does not matter, whether the company is present in CEE countries for years or only available at the beginning, whether benchmark engagement or extension of own know-how is aimed at the mix proves to be extremely fruitful. So the participants have progressed so far after one year in the case of rule, stopping the intensive phase with frequent meetings and then Meet at longer intervals for the exchange of experience. So also intensive bilateral contacts between the participants were established in 2008 for example at a joint workshop to exchange vendor recommendations for specific product groups, which are now beyond the work. For more information about the Working Group under working groups.