Spiegel Online

Legislature strengthens the consumers rights Hamburg/Dusseldorf – still hesitate according to a report by Spiegel Online, many consumers to engage on the online shopping. One must wonder why: the customer is on the computer better than at the counter. Security virtual stroll provide generous right of withdrawal and return rights. The online shopping offers a great advantage over the shopping in a retail store. The magic word is right of withdrawal. In accordance with the distance selling Act, you may not return online purchased goods within 14 days without giving any reason. This right does not exist in the store.

\”It’s only on goodwill or if the goods have a defect\”, so Spiegel Online. Often it involves relating the return, shipping costs and compensation for second-hand goods. That should change the BGB-informationspflichten-Verordnung. Just in the first paragraph is, what a trader must inform its customers. Sample texts for unique return and cancellation policy are in the Appendix.

Up to the October 1 tailers have time to incorporate these provisions in their general terms and conditions (GTC). The regulation even in the rank of a law should be lifted in the course of the coming year. According to regulation, dealers must inform in writing the customers at the time of purchase of delivery, shipping, and return policy. The deadline for a withdrawal of the purchase starts with receipt of this instruction, but not before receipt of the goods. A merchant forgets the text, the withdrawal period is never expires. Were on and try, as you would do it in a retail store, is so easy when shopping online. But there’s a catch: the visible used products within the 14 days return obliges to compensation. The height is often a point of contention. \”As a rule of thumb: the dealer estimates the price he can sell used goods and puts the difference at the new price\”, Spiegel Online wrote.