The Means

Golden hands of these masters for centuries created floral designs on clothes, jackets, camisoles, dresses noble people, as well as on church vestments. We commoners embroidery was more modest. Embroidery by the end of the xviii century. it was a leisure activity, homemade craft. Embroidery is a profession for many skilled workers in the appearance of various types of trades and crafts. Embroidery as a kind of craft begins to develop and lead to the formation in different areas country of its artistic features of patterns, color, shape, composition and performance technique. Embroidery has been widely applied in our country for the decoration of the national costume in the xix – early xx century. Russian mistress ornament geometric or floral holding at the edge of the garment as straight lines.

Well-known Russian embroideries include: Vladimir verhoshov, Mstiora white expanse, an old Russian expanse, Orlovsky call list and etc. technology. Widely spread in Russia got the gold embroidery on suede, velvet, silk, cloth and cotton fabric. Even the fur coats, fur mittens, leather shoes, girl bands, , tunics, adorned dushegrei embroidery. Different peoples in different areas, villages, different techniques of embroidery (countable, free smooth, drawn-white or color, cross, polukrest, etc.) the motives of ornament, color of thread.

In the folk embroideries present a variety of patterns, ornamental motifs, colors and their locations. Patterns in ancient times consisted of some signs, symbols that people have expressed their perception of the world and the relationship to an incomprehensible phenomenon Nature. These characters were the means of communication.