September 2013 archive

Losing Visits

Anyone who engages in the optimization and promotion of web sites knows that it is very difficult to generate traffic. Each user who visits our Web site is a product of a series of strenuous actions of dissemination of the site, which cost time and money to carry out. Why, once we do that users …

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Impact Crusher Rotor

Due to the impact crusher (sand making machine) works in harsh conditions, exacerbate the rotor bearing wear it long term. Without rotor, the rotor is irreplaceable for the crusher, the crusher can not work. But it is also fragile, the bearing switch is not only expensive, but also difficult, which often resulted the production halts. …

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Mine Feeding Equipment

Duo to the great importance Chinese government attaches the coal industry, Chinese coal washing career has experienced a rapid development, which both bring development to the feeding equipment industry space, but also the pressure of market competition. For adapting to this new trend and meeting the feeding machine requirement of the high quality, efficient coal …

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