October 2012 archive


It has much people for there losing the family without perceiving. Family is as garden, needs cares every day special. When somebody does not take care of with affection of its family, it loses it a little more, and many do not obtain to understand where moment that so happy family, so joined and pleasant …

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Angeli Rose

The lives in letters in such a way can inform, to transform, as to deform to conform, at last, the game is varied. Without losing the dimension of the necessity to earn, for conquest, readers, are necessary to recognize the necessity to continue investing in the releitura for the conquered readers. why not releitura of …

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The Temptation

You can have the temptation to request boxes to the store of the corner, nevertheless, perhaps the forms and sizes do not agree with your objects. It is better than you buy boxes of standard and special size for articles like televisions, videos and photos. The envelope paper can be broken, but the plastic bubble …

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October Money

We have money. We will start up plans to reactivate the economy. Many in Athens remember that the Socialist Yorgos Papandreu gained the elections with this speech only two years ago. Since then, instead of the investing manna that announced prime minister, the Greeks have seen how its standard of life has collapsed until ends …

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