July 2012 archive

Not Just Another Hollywood Actress

When nbc reporter Kerry Sanders was represented by actress Nicole Greenwood in the tv show "Today", aired Feb. 3, 2010, he spoke not about her role in the tv series 'in sight'. Kerry Sanders talked about responsive girl in a bright yellow T-shirt from his hospital bed stricken girl in the hospital of Port-au-Prince. 'In …

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So that the survey of the expenses is complete is essential to elaborate a chart of accounts, that allows to classify and to launch all the great expenses. Although to seem complex, to adopt this classification it is essential, so that let us can have a clear vision of as we spend our resources. In …

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Accounting Management Tools

The present article has for objective to approach some of the management tools and to argue the corporative governana with focus in the results. The boarded tools are: the managemental accounting, the analysis of investments, the budgetary planning, the management tax, the auditorship and finally, the theory of the real options. The article still searchs …

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